Avoid the Frustration by using the IRA Charitable Rollover By Judy Held Here’s an idea for Catholics who may be frustrated by the “Required Minimum Distribution” rules if they have an IRA and are at least age 72 or older: Don’t take the distribution. Instead, have it sent directly to…
“A Time for Everything…” Estate Planning Workshop Co-hosted by the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana and the Billings Catholic Schools Foundation If you live in the Billings vicariate of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, then join us for a morning full of spiritual and practical wisdom from the Catholic Church…
By Anna Attaway, Communications & Development Specialist The Church sets the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker on the first of May, indicating that this feast is our gateway to Mary’s month. Why begin a celebration of Our Lady with a celebration of her spouse, and not of the Virgin…
Interestingly enough, the story of the patriarch Joseph is where we also see the primary Biblical text illustrating the power of endowments. Pharaoh is warned in a dream that Egypt is about to see seven years of abundant crops, followed by seven years of famine. Joseph’s advice, in Genesis 41:35-36,…
Great Things Are Happening in Our Diocese Because of Your Charitable Gifts! $471,000 Awarded to the Church Thanks to Foundation Donors! The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana recently mailed $471,000 in annual endowment distribution checks to 55 different Catholic parishes, schools, nonprofits, and diocesan ministries. That is amazing! What…