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Invite Us to Your Parish Community

We would love to meet with you and your fellow parishioners who share your passion for the Catholic faith. To schedule a visit, or a professional presentation about endowment giving, planned giving, or another subject related to the Foundation and support of the Catholic Church in our diocese, please fill out the form.

Schedule an Individual Meeting

Judy Held, President, is happy to meet with you in-person. She drives across our diocese to visit with parishioners interested in learning more about the Foundation, about donating, or simply sharing ideas.

Prayer Support

We can’t imagine anything more important to the advancement of our mission than knowing we have people praying for us! If you are willing to offer your prayer support for the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana, please let us know.

May We Pray for You?

If you need prayer support, we would be honored to have the opportunity to include you in our daily prayer intentions. Please tell us how we can pray for you.

Make a Gift

It takes all of us, as the Body of Christ, to steward His Church. Your gift of love and support will join with those from others in our local diocese to ensure a vibrant future where our Catholic ministries may flourish in His service!


We welcome your involvement! There are several ways you can partner with our organization through your time and talent:

Board Member
We are always on the lookout for engaged Catholics who are as passionate about the future of the Catholic Church in our diocese as we are! If you are interested in someday serving as a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, or would like to nominate a person whom you think would be a great addition, please let us know.

Committee Member
Maybe you’re interested in serving, but not ready for a board commitment? That works, too! There are opportunities for community members like you to serve on a committee of our Board. Committees meet mainly via telephone, on a quarterly basis.

Liaison for your Vicariate
We are looking for Vicariate Liaisons to partner with us in promoting the mission of the Foundation within your own geographic regions of our diocese. Our diocese has five vicariates – Wolf Point, Miles City, Billings, Great Falls and Havre. Once a quarter, Vicariate Liaisons meet by phone with each other and the Foundation President. Learn more about being a Vicariate Liaison, or to volunteer.

Office Support
The Foundation is headquartered in Great Falls. Since we are a very small office, we are always looking for volunteer office support to help with things like filing, labeling, data input, etc. If you live in the Great Falls area and would like to volunteer according to your schedule, please let us know.

Offer an Idea/Feedback

Do you have an idea or comment that you think would be helpful for the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana as we strive, with your help, to make a positive difference in the life of the Catholic Church? Please share them with us!