Sacred Heart elementary students rejoicing as they practice for their 2021 Nativity play!
Serving the Sacred Heart
When you support endowments at the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana, your gifts make a real difference in the lives of your fellow Montanans. This year, six families in Miles City received scholarships through the “Adopt-a-Student” Scholarship Program at Sacred Heart School. This program was, in turn, funded partially by the annual distribution from the Patrick V. and Katherine M. Shevlin Memorial Endowment at the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana. Because of generous donors who believe in the value of a Catholic education and in an endowment’s power to provide for Sacred Heart School forever, a Catholic education was made accessible to six families who could not otherwise afford it.
This Patrick V. and Katherine M. Shevlin Memorial Endowment was launched in 2015 to honor Pat (1911-1976) and Kay (1915-2011) and to ensure that other children, like all four Shevlin children who attended Sacred Heart School from kindergarten through 12th grade, could obtain a solid Catholic education. Principal Bart Freese says, “Sacred Heart School is fortunate to have had the Patrick V. and Katherine M. Shevlin Memorial Endowment established. The yearly disbursements are so appreciated. We are very thankful to be this endowment’s beneficiary!”
Help us make Catholic education more accessible all throughout our diocese, forever.