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Why Catholics Give

God’s gifts to us can be summed up in one word: “everything.” The air we breathe, the flowers we smell, our families, our jobs, our life itself – He gave us these gifts out of His great love for us.

We give back from a deeply personal sense of gratitude and the grace that flows from a life of stewardship. Think of the following when you plan your charitable giving:

  1. Your love for God. Giving is a form of prayer. To give is to express your love for Him.
  2. Your love for people. You are a person of worth and dignity, surrounded by people of worth and dignity.
  3. Your love for our Church. It is our community of togetherness in Christ.

Giving is an act of faith.
It is that simple – and that profound.

Discover how the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana can help you accept the invitation to generosity that God has written on every human heart.

Catholic Foundation

“…Those who believed…shared”
Acts 2:44-45

Stewardship within the Catholic Church

We go to Mass on Sunday, and it feels good. Our faith is renewed. Then we head home and our busy lives take over. What can we do to make practicing our faith an everyday thing? Understanding stewardship is an answer to making life an act of faith. In its most simple definition, stewardship is our returning to God the gifts He has given us. Giving draws us closer to Christ.

Equal to sharing our own gifts every day as God would intend, we need to help others share their gifts by being good receivers. This is how the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana helps you. The Foundation gratefully accepts your financial gifts, stewards them as you intend, and honors your need to give because of your love of the Lord.

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“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10