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More than Offertory Giving

Some of us have been exposed to just one way in which to share our God-given treasure with His Church – the offertory collection during Mass. Certainly, our regular, sacrificial giving is essential for the life of every parish in our diocese, and the offertory collection is a deeply important part of the Liturgy.

The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana is your resource for giving on an additional level, making wise use of valuable charitable, planned giving strategies. We can offer you extensive charitable and planned giving knowledge that may open new avenues for you to financially support the Catholic Church within our diocese. A planned gift in support of a permanently-endowed fund may likely qualify you for current benefits, including the Montana Endowment Tax Credit. More importantly, it will help foster God’s Kingdom to benefit generations upon generations of Catholics in our diocese.

Why Catholics Give

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10

We Invite You to Share in the Vision

Imagine a future – Where every parish in our diocese has a steady, reliable stream of income, year after year, to help fund vibrant ministries for their parishioners and communities.

Imagine a future – Where our faithful, long-serving priests are cared for as they grow older; where we have plentiful seminarians and their educational costs are covered each year; where our youth have dynamic opportunities to grow in their Catholic Faith.

We invite you to be a part of our vision – Get to know us. Take this opportunity to join in communion with others through your support of our mission. Every donation given to an endowment fund at the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana moves us closer to realizing this attainable vision for the future of our diocese.

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“Give and it shall be given to you…for the measure you measure with will be measured back to you.”
Luke 6:38